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Writer's pictureBen S

Corrupt Money

"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs" - 1 Timothy 6:10

Can't emphasize it enough, but when money can be created out of thin air, corruption proliferates. In 2024, we are seeing it first hand as we continue to send billions to Ukraine, Pdiddy (and others) is bribing, blackmailing, trafficking, etc. with the promises of money and fame, politicians get in-line, take orders for the love of money, politicians insider trade as they make policy, set laws/regulations that promote or crush certain companies, all of which they profit from, the government uses inordinate amounts of money for pork programs with no oversight, the list goes on. Additionally, as they create this money for their corrupt livelihoods, more money goes into circulation, resulting in inflation, which is a hidden tax on Americans. Everyone that plays this dirty game lines their pockets with this cash, while regular Americans that try to do it by the books get crushed. The monetary system is intentionally flawed to benefit the wealthy, eliminate the middle class and enslave the poor. Its by design, and it is time for big change to a different system. A system with monetary asset backing, will reign in the madness and bring stability to the American people.

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